Taking Responsibility for Self-Care

set boundaries book Apr 24, 2023

Did you know that setting boundaries was a form of self-care?!? Hopefully I am not alone in finding that a huge wakeup call in this chapter. A really good wake-up call nonetheless! 

In our recent book club discussion, we delved into the importance of taking responsibility for our own self-care by setting and honoring our boundaries. The chapter titled "What Are You Doing to Honor Your Boundaries?" was a wake-up call for many of us, as we realized that we are ultimately responsible for setting boundaries with ourselves and others.

It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we set boundaries for others, but the reality is that boundaries are first and foremost for ourselves. We must hold ourselves accountable for setting and honoring our own boundaries. This requires a level of self-discipline, particularly when it comes to managing our time. Somehow realizing we need to check ourselves on our own boundaries feels harder some days than it does to uphold the boundaries you have set with others. Though it may not be healthy, you can always turn to a form of avoidance if boundaries with others are not playing out how you expect them to. What do you do if you aren't listening to your own boundaries? You can't run from those! 

Time management is a common area where many of us struggle to set and honor our boundaries. We discussed various examples of how a lack of self-discipline around time management can impact our overall well-being. One significant challenge for many of us was the inability to delegate tasks that do not necessarily need to be done by us. But this also shows up in many forms: not sticking to your schedule, overbooking yourself (because hello people pleasers saying yes to everything), I refuse to admit I can't do everything. Suddenly it feels like Nedra has a security camera on my life and is watching all of my struggles. But I am baby stepping my way through boundary issue recovery!

However, we also recognized that boundaries are not set in stone and should be refreshed and reset as necessary. As we grow and evolve, our needs and tolerances may change, and it is important to recognize and adjust our boundaries accordingly. We have the power to choose what we allow into our lives, at any stage of our lives. The ability for them to change feels so refreshing. It takes the burden off of having to ensure we have it all right and figured out before just starting to implement a boundary at a time. 

Taking responsibility for our boundaries can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. By setting and honoring our boundaries, we create a safe and healthy space for ourselves, free from unnecessary stress and overwhelm. It allows us to prioritize our needs and focus on what truly matters in our lives.

Honoring our boundaries is ultimately our responsibility. It requires a level of self-discipline, a want to, a desire to always being growing into a different version of ourselves and the world around us. We have the power to refresh and reset our boundaries as necessary, recognizing that our needs and tolerances may change over time. By taking responsibility for our boundaries, we prioritize our own self-care and create a safe and healthy space for ourselves.


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