Closing the Loop: How to Close a Sprint in Jira

jira tips Sep 30, 2023
how to close a sprint in jira pxa blog

How to Close a Sprint in Jira

Closing a sprint in Jira is a crucial step in Agile project management. It marks the end of a sprint cycle and prepares your team for the next one. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps and best practices to ensure a smooth sprint closure process. Whether you're a seasoned Jira user or just getting started, mastering this skill is vital for Agile success.

Why Closing a Sprint in Jira Matters

1. Review and Reflect
Closing a sprint provides an opportunity for your team to review the work completed during the sprint. It's a chance to celebrate successes, identify areas for improvement, and gather insights that inform future sprints.

2. Clear Focus
Closing a sprint ensures that your team can start the next one with a clean slate. All unfinished work is returned to the backlog, and your team can concentrate on new priorities.

3. Reporting and Metrics
Closing sprints accurately is crucial for generating meaningful Agile metrics and reports. It enables you to track team velocity, estimate future work, and make data-driven decisions.

Steps to Successfully Close a Sprint in Jira

1. Navigate to Your Active Sprint
In Jira, locate the active sprint you wish to close. You can access your active sprint through the backlog or the board view.

2. Complete All Active Issues
To close a sprint, all issues in that sprint must be completed or moved to another sprint or backlog. Ensure that your team resolves or closes each issue appropriately. Luckily Jira makes this very easy for you! When you go to complete the sprint, it will ask you where you want unfinished items to go. 

3. Adjust the Sprint Dates
Verify that the sprint dates accurately reflect the sprint's start and end dates. You can adjust these dates if needed to match your actual sprint duration. Pro Tip - also confirm the dates for your next sprint are accurate before you start the next one. 

4. Review and Reflect
Hold a sprint review meeting or a Retrospective with your team to discuss what went well, what didn't, and what lessons can be learned. Use this time to gather feedback and insights for continuous improvement. Depending on the size of your team, this can be combined with another ceremony or scheduled as a separate time. 

5. Close the Sprint
Once all issues are completed and you've reviewed the sprint, you can officially close it. This action finalizes the sprint and moves all unresolved issues back to the product backlog or the next sprint, depending on your choice. 

Best Practices for Sprint Closure

1. Keep It Timely
Closing a sprint promptly after its planned end date ensures accurate reporting and minimizes confusion.

2. Foster Collaboration
Encourage open discussions during sprint review meetings. Everyone's input is valuable for improving team performance.

3. Use Metrics Wisely
Leverage sprint closure data to refine your Agile processes. Look for patterns, bottlenecks, and areas where your team can become more efficient.

4. Celebrate
Each and every sprint your team is delivering value. It can be hard to remember that when you are deep in the day to day work. The impact you are making for your customers matters! 


Closing a sprint in Jira isn't just a technical task; it's a fundamental part of the Agile framework. It allows your team to pause, reflect, and plan for the future. By following these steps and best practices, you'll ensure that your sprint closure process is not only efficient but also valuable for your team's growth and success in Agile project management. So, embrace the process, and keep those sprints rolling!


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