How to Know If Your Business Idea Is Worth Pursuing (Without Spending Thousands Testing It)

business launch customer discovery Dec 20, 2024
The Brave Start Blog

Hey dreamer, we see you – sitting with that brilliant idea, wondering if it could really work. That mix of excitement and uncertainty? We've been there too. Let's talk about validating your business idea in a way that won't drain your savings or leave you feeling overwhelmed.

The Fear Is Real (And That's Okay)

First, let's acknowledge something: being afraid to test your idea is completely normal.

Maybe you're worried about:
- Finding out people don't want what you're planning to build
- Wasting time and money on something that might not work
- Not knowing where to start or who to talk to

Validation isn't about perfect market research or expensive focus groups. It's about having real conversations with real people who might become your future customers. And we share all of our recommendations to do just that...

The Power of Customer Discovery

You know what's better than guessing what your customers want? Actually asking them. Let them tell you exactly what solutions they are looking for!

Customer discovery is the most valuable validation tool you have, and it doesn't have to cost a thing. Here's why it's so powerful:

1. You learn about their actual problems, not what you think their problems are
2. You understand how they're currently solving these problems
3. You discover if they're willing to pay for a better solution
4. You might uncover opportunities you never considered

How to Get People to Talk to You

"But who would want to talk to me?" we hear you asking.

People love sharing their experiences when you make it worth their while. Here are some ways to get those valuable conversations:

- Offer a free coaching session in your area of expertise
- If you're local, invite them for an actual coffee (yes, old school still works!)
- Provide a quick assessment of their current situation (where your expertise solves their challenges)

Reciprocity is key in building a business. This is not a place for you to just take in information – you're giving value in return for their time.

The Questions That Matter

When you do get those conversations, make them count. Here are some powerful questions to ask:

1. "Walk me through the last time you encountered this problem."
2. "What solutions have you tried? What worked and what didn't?"
3. "How much time/money do you currently spend dealing with this?"
4. "What would an ideal solution look like to you?"
5. "If you had a magic wand to fix this problem, what would that look like?"

Or if you want specific questions to the problem you are trying to solve, use this AI prompt: 

I am working on customer discovery to design a solution for {problem you are trying to solve}. I want to formulate customer discovery questions that will help me fully understand the pain points, challenges, and emotions that come with {problem restated}.


I am working on customer discovery to design a solution for {regular auto repair maintenance}. I want to formulate customer discovery questions that will help me fully understand the pain points and challenges and emotions that come with {maintaining their car}.

Stay Open to Pivots

Remember your first idea might not be your final solution – and that's perfectly fine. Some of the most successful businesses today look very different from their original concepts.

Let your customer conversations guide you. Maybe you'll discover:
- A different problem that needs solving more urgently
- A new market segment you hadn't considered
- A simpler solution that could work better
- A completely different business model

Moving Forward

Start small. You don't need to talk to hundreds of people right away. Begin with 5-10 detailed conversations. Look for patterns. Listen for pain points that come up repeatedly. Pay attention to the solutions they wish they had.

Validation isn't about proving your idea is perfect. It's about learning enough to take the next step with confidence. You've got this, and we're here to help you along the way.


Ready to start your customer discovery journey? Grab a notebook (or open your favorite note-taking app) and write down your first list of potential people to talk to. They're closer than you think – former colleagues, industry connections, or even people in relevant online communities.

Sometimes all it takes is one conversation to start gaining the clarity you need.

Have questions?

We invite you to come ask them in our Monthly Entrepreneur Circle. Our monthly meet up for those burning questions holding you back from taking the next step. 



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