You've been promoted to Lead Product Manager! 4 Steps to Immediate Effectiveness in Your Role

career confidence May 10, 2023
Crushing product manager and agilist goals and career confidence notebook

Congratulations on your promotion to Lead Product Manager! This is a great achievement and a testament to your skills, hard work, and dedication. But now that you have this new role, what should you do next? Here are 4 tips on to make the most of your new position and set yourself and your team up for success:

(1) You Are Now A Player & A Coach

First and foremost, remember that you are now a player/coach. This means that you not only have to manage your team and your product, but you also have to coach and mentor your team members to help them grow and succeed in their careers. One of the best ways to do this is to set up 1:1 meetings with each of your team members. During these meetings, listen to their goals and motivations, and understand their concerns and challenges. Help them create an upskilling roadmap for themselves, so they can learn new skills and take on new challenges. By doing this, you'll show your team that you care about their careers as much as you do about your product's success.

(2) Choose Intentional Focus Areas

Another important aspect of your new role is to focus your efforts. As a Lead Product Manager, there will be many things that you could be doing, but not all of them will be equally important or valuable for your product. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, pick a quarterly focus for your product and spend time learning how to do it. For example, if you think your product needs more discovery work, then learn how to do discovery and experiment with it for a quarter. Then, in the next quarter, pick another focus, such as product design, analytics, user testing, and so on. This approach will allow you to have enough of a deep dive into each area to see the benefits and gain learnings without spiraling down a rabbit hole.

(3) Decide If Meetings Are Valuable

As a Lead Product Manager, your calendar will be filled with meetings. It's essential to be intentional about these meetings and make sure they are valuable for you and your stakeholders. If a meeting isn't valuable or necessary, don't go. Protect your schedule and use your time wisely.

(4) Speak Up For Your Growth Needs

Finally, don't be afraid to speak up for what upskilling opportunities you need in your new role. You are now a leader, and part of your job is to continue growing and learning. Ask for the support and resources you need to be successful, whether it's attending a conference, taking a course, or working with a mentor. By doing so, you'll not only benefit yourself, but you'll also set an example for your team and help create a culture of learning and growth within your organization.

You Got This! 

Becoming a Lead Product Manager is an exciting and challenging opportunity. Remember to focus on:

  • Your team's growth and development
  • Set quarterly focuses for your product
  • Protect your schedule
  • Ask for the support you need to continue growing and learning

By following these tips, you'll set yourself and your team up for success, and help your organization achieve its goals. Good luck!


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