TheĀ Brave Start Blog

Where People Come First, Empowerment Wins, and Product Thrives


Dive into people-first consulting strategies, unleash your entrepreneurial spirit through empowering tips, and stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge insights from the product world. This is your hub for building thriving productĀ coaching + consultingĀ businesses.

Effective Strategies for Managing Software Development Teams career roadmap soft skills Sep 25, 2023


What to Think About When Managing Software Development Teams

Managing software development teams goes beyond just overseeing tasks. Dive into the key strategies that foster collaboration,...

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How to be Successful with Remote Product Owner Jobs career confidence soft skills Sep 20, 2023

In today's dynamic work environment, remote opportunities have become increasingly prevalent. This shift extends to product management roles, including the role of a Remote Product Owner. Embracing...

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Building Effective Collaboration: Bridging the Gap Between Product Managers and Teams career confidence soft skills Aug 12, 2023

In the fast-paced realm of product management, effective communication isn't just a skill – it's the foundation of success. Are you tired of tossing user stories over the fence, only to find...

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The Power of Futurespectives: Unleashing Team Potential and Empathy career confidence soft skills Jul 30, 2023


Delve into the Magic of Futurespectives

In the fast-paced world of product development, fostering a truly productive and harmonious team dynamic is essential for success. As an out-of-the...

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