Whether you are just getting started or have been on your coaching journey for a couple of years, defining your unique niche allows you to network authentically, attract dream clients, and watch your business grow.


Define Your Unique Speciality in the Product Coaching + Consulting Industry

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Why Defining Your Niche Matters

Forget limiting your potential. Discover how laser-focusing on your ideal client unlocks deeper expertise, premium value, and a thriving practice.

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What Lights You Up 

Passion is what ignites your fire, but can you direct it to attract your dream clients? Our session will reveal a proven framework for unearthing your hidden expertise and creating service offerings that resonate with your ideal clients.

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Honing in on the PDLC Sweet Spot

Our guide will introduce you to the different types of clients you may encounter, from discovery detectives to growth gurus. By understanding their unique needs and behaviors, you'll be able to match your passion and expertise with the perfect client, building a business that is perfectly suited to your strengths.

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Tying it All Together

Ready to create your client magnet? It's time to start strategizing. Following our value prop techniques, you will pull together everything you've learned to leave the workshop ready to introduce yourself to your network with confidence and ease. 

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Q&A - Ask Us Anything!

No question is off-limits: Fire away! Our expert panel is here to answer your burning questions about defining your product coaching and consulting niche. Get the personalized guidance you need to navigate the path with confidence.

I'm In - Let's Do This!

This workshop is for you if...

Feeling like a jack-of-all-trades but master of none?

You juggle different projects, wear many hats, but struggle to define your unique value as a coach. It's time to ditch the generic "product coach" label and find your niche sweet spot.


Client acquisition feels like scaling Mount Everest in flip-flops? 

You dream of amazing clients, but the thought of networking or selling makes you break out in a cold sweat. Fear not, fellow coach – there's a better way to attract your ideal clients.


Feeling stuck at "freelance wages"? 

You know your expertise is valuable, but translating that into premium coaching rates feels like cracking a code. Discover the secret to attracting and charging clients who appreciate you're worth.


We're Jackie & Gabby

Jackie's Story

After back-to-back layoffs, I decided to take charge of my career and pursued my passion of coaching and training Product leaders and teams.

I've since built a multi-year 7 figure business that helps people transform their career trajectories through incredible consulting and coaching opportunities.

>> Connect on LinkedIn << 

Jackie Flake
Gabby's Story

As I set out to build an intentional life, it became clear I wanted to make a larger impact than I was making on an embedded product team.

I decided to pursue my true passion of teaching others and began consulting and training for incredible product teams.  By year two, I was able to retire my husband and have never felt more fulfilled in my career.

Now, I focus on teaching individuals how to build delightful products and coaching PMs to achieve their career goals with confidence. 

>> Connect on LinkedIn << 

Gabrielle Hayes

Product Coaches + Consultants are finding power in this workshop...

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"This was fantastic! Much appreciate you sharing your hard learned lessons!"

- Sarah
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"Great workshop today - it's rare you go to workshops where you are able to take something away that's so valuable."

- Ashley
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"This is great. Thank you for the tips/tricks and structure of the thought process."

- Neil

Transition from a Product generalist to laser-focused coach and consultant.

Define your Niche Workshop


Recording Included

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