TheĀ Brave Start Blog

Where People Come First, Empowerment Wins, and Product Thrives


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PRD vs PB: Which One Should Product Managers Use? career confidence May 31, 2023

Product Documentation: The Tedious, Time Suck that Makes a Difference in Your Product Success

As a Product Manager, creating a clear and concise product roadmap is essential to ensure your team is...

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Scrummasters: The Hero of the Product Team career confidence May 29, 2023

What is a Scrummaster's Role in an Agile Team?

Scrummasters play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of agile teams. They facilitate the team’s agile processes, ensure that the...

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Product Managers Are Not Solely Responsible for User Stories career confidence May 26, 2023

Debunking the Myth: Only Product Managers Write User stories

User stories are a critical component of Agile development, but there seems to be a common misconception that it is the sole...

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Customer Discovery: How to Get Valuable Insights from Your Customers career confidence May 24, 2023

What is Customer Discovery?

Customer discovery is a crucial part of the product development lifecycle that involves understanding the needs, wants, and pain points of your target customers.


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The Importance of Having a Diverse Product Team: Why You Shouldn't Take These Roles for Granted career confidence May 22, 2023

As a Product Manager, you are likely used to wearing multiple hats and juggling a range of responsibilities. However, if you are fortunate enough to work with a diverse and specialized Product...

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Kano Model: One of Our Favorite Customer Discovery Techniques career confidence May 19, 2023

The Power of In-Person Kano Discovery for Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Informing Roadmap Decisions

As a product manager, you're always looking for ways to measure customer satisfaction and...

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The Ins & Outs of QA for Your Product career confidence May 17, 2023

Who Should QA Your Product? Surprise - Everyone

Even if we have a QA team? Yep! 

The first step is to understand what QA is and why it is important. QA is the process of ensuring that...

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Software Developers are Critical Problem Solvers in Product Ideation career confidence May 15, 2023

Debunking the Myth: Software Developers are NOT Product Order Takers

As a Product Manager, one of the most important partnerships you’ll have is with your team of developers and...

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I'm Laid Off, Scared, Unsure What's Next... What Role Can I Look For Besides Product Manager? career confidence May 12, 2023

The dreaded has happened... you are a Product Manager who has been laid off. Whether you have been impacted by one of the big tech company layoffs or a re-org at your company, you are not alone....

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You've been promoted to Lead Product Manager! 4 Steps to Immediate Effectiveness in Your Role career confidence May 10, 2023

Congratulations on your promotion to Lead Product Manager! This is a great achievement and a testament to your skills, hard work, and dedication. But now that you have this new role, what should...

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Taking Responsibility for Self-Care set boundaries book Apr 24, 2023

Did you know that setting boundaries was a form of self-care?!? Hopefully I am not alone in finding that a huge wakeup call in this chapter. A really good wake-up call nonetheless! 

In our...

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Power of Focusing on What you Want set boundaries book Apr 13, 2023

Setting boundaries - one of life's necessary yet most challenging skills if you want to set out to create a life that is full of agility and intentionality. In our recent book club...

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